1131 lines
42 KiB
1131 lines
42 KiB
<title>PICO-8 Cartridge</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no">
<script type="text/javascript">
// Default shell for PICO-8 0.2.2 (includes @weeble's gamepad mod 1.0)
// This file is available under a CC0 license https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/
// (note: "this file" does not include any cartridge or cartridge artwork injected into a derivative html file when using the PICO-8 html exporter)
// options
// fullscreen, sound, close button at top when playing on touchscreen
var p8_allow_mobile_menu = true;
// p8_autoplay true to boot the cartridge automatically after page load when possible
// if the browser can not create an audio context outside of a user gesture (e.g. on iOS), p8_autoplay has no effect
var p8_autoplay = false;
// When pico8_state is defined, PICO-8 will set .is_paused, .sound_volume and .frame_number each frame
// (used for determining button icons)
var pico8_state = [];
// When pico8_buttons is defined, PICO-8 reads each int as a bitfield holding that player's button states
// 0x1 left, 0x2 right, 0x4 up, 0x8 right, 0x10 O, 0x20 X, 0x40 menu
// (used by p8_update_gamepads)
var pico8_buttons = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // max 8 players
// When pico8_mouse is defined, PICO-8 reads the 3 integers as X, Y and a bitfield for buttons: 0x1 LMB, 0x2 RMB
var pico8_mouse = [];
// used to display number of detected joysticks
var pico8_gamepads = {};
pico8_gamepads.count = 0;
// When pico8_gpio is defined, reading and writing to gpio pins will read and write to these values
var pico8_gpio = new Array(128);
// When pico8_audio_context context is defined, the html shell (this file) is responsible for creating and managing it.
// This makes satisfying browser requirements easier -- e.g. initialising audio from a short script in response to a user action.
// Otherwise PICO-8 will try to create and use its own context.
var pico8_audio_context;
// menu button and controller graphics
"p8b_pause1": "",
// added 0.2.1: work-around for iOS/Safari running from an iFrame (e.g. from itch.io page):
// touch events only register after adding dummy listeners on document.
document.addEventListener('touchstart', {});
document.addEventListener('touchmove', {});
document.addEventListener('touchend', {});
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// pico-8 0.2.2: allow dropping files
var p8_dropped_cart = null;
var p8_dropped_cart_name = "";
function p8_drop_file(e)
// console.log("@@ dropping file...");
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.files && e.dataTransfer.files[0])
// read from file
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (event)
p8_dropped_cart_name = 'untitled.p8';
if (typeof e.dataTransfer.files[0].name !== 'undefined') p8_dropped_cart_name = e.dataTransfer.files[0].name;
if (typeof e.dataTransfer.files[0].fileName !== 'undefined') p8_dropped_cart_name = e.dataTransfer.files[0].fileName;
p8_dropped_cart = reader.result;
// data:image/png;base64
codo_command = 9; // read directly from p8_dropped_cart with libb64 decoder
// read from url (or data url)
txt = e.dataTransfer.getData('Text');
if (txt){
p8_dropped_cart_name = "untitled.p8.png";
p8_dropped_cart = txt;
codo_command = 9;
function nop(evt) {
function dragover(evt) {
function dragstop(evt) {
// download (pico-8 0.2.4d web exports can save a .wav file)
function download_browser_file(filename, contents)
var element = document.createElement('a');
if (filename.substr(filename.length - 7) == ".p8.png")
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:image/png;base64,' + encodeURIComponent(contents));
else if (filename.substr(filename.length - 4) == ".wav")
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:audio/x-wav;base64,' + encodeURIComponent(contents));
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(contents));
element.setAttribute('download', filename);
element.style.display = 'none';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
var p8_buttons_hash = -1;
function p8_update_button_icons()
// buttons only appear when running
if (!p8_is_running)
var is_fullscreen=(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement);
// hash based on: pico8_state.sound_volume pico8_state.is_paused bottom_margin left is_fullscreen p8_touch_detected
var hash = 0;
hash = pico8_state.sound_volume;
if (pico8_state.is_paused) hash += 0x100;
if (p8_touch_detected) hash += 0x200;
if (is_fullscreen) hash += 0x400;
if (p8_buttons_hash == hash)
p8_buttons_hash = hash;
// console.log("@@ updating button icons");
els = document.getElementsByClassName('p8_menu_button');
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++)
el = els[i];
index = el.id;
if (index == 'p8b_sound') index += (pico8_state.sound_volume == 0 ? "0" : "1"); // 1 if undefined
if (index == 'p8b_pause') index += (pico8_state.is_paused > 0 ? "1" : "0"); // 0 if undefined
new_str = '<img width=24 height=24 style="pointer-events:none" src="'+p8_gfx_dat[index]+'">';
if (el.innerHTML != new_str)
el.innerHTML = new_str;
// hide all buttons for touch mode (can pause with menu buttons)
var is_visible = p8_is_running;
if ((!p8_touch_detected || !p8_allow_mobile_menu) && el.parentElement.id == "p8_menu_buttons_touch")
is_visible = false;
if (p8_touch_detected && el.parentElement.id == "p8_menu_buttons")
is_visible = false;
if (is_fullscreen)
is_visible = false;
if (is_visible)
function abs(x)
return x < 0 ? -x : x;
// step 0 down 1 drag 2 up (not used)
function pico8_buttons_event(e, step)
if (!p8_is_running) return;
pico8_buttons[0] = 0;
if (step == 2 && typeof(pico8_mouse) !== 'undefined')
pico8_mouse[2] = 0;
var num = 0;
if (e.touches) num = e.touches.length;
if (num == 0 && typeof(pico8_mouse) !== 'undefined')
// no active touches: release mouse button from anywhere on page. (maybe redundant? but just in case)
pico8_mouse[2] = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)
var touch = e.touches[i];
var x = touch.clientX;
var y = touch.clientY;
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
var r = Math.min(w,h) / 12;
if (r > 40) r = 40;
// mouse (0.1.12d)
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
if (p8_touch_detected)
if (typeof(pico8_mouse) !== 'undefined')
if (canvas)
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
//console.log(rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, rect.left, x, y);
if (x >= rect.left && x < rect.right && y >= rect.top && y < rect.bottom)
pico8_mouse = [
Math.floor((x - rect.left) * 128 / (rect.right - rect.left)),
Math.floor((y - rect.top) * 128 / (rect.bottom - rect.top)),
step < 2 ? 1 : 0
// return; // commented -- blocks overlapping buttons
pico8_mouse[2] = 0;
// buttons
b = 0;
if (y < h - r*8)
// no controller buttons up here; includes canvas and menu buttons at top in touch mode
if ((y < h - r*6) && y > (h - r*8))
// menu button: half as high as X O button
// stretch across right-hand half above X O buttons
if (x > w - r*3)
b |= 0x40;
else if (x < w/2 && x < r*6)
// stick
mask = 0xf; // dpad
var cx = 0 + r*3;
var cy = h - r*3;
deadzone = r/3;
var dx = x - cx;
var dy = y - cy;
if (abs(dx) > abs(dy) * 0.6) // horizontal
if (dx < -deadzone) b |= 0x1;
if (dx > deadzone) b |= 0x2;
if (abs(dy) > abs(dx) * 0.6) // vertical
if (dy < -deadzone) b |= 0x4;
if (dy > deadzone) b |= 0x8;
else if (x > w - r*6)
// button; diagonal split from bottom right corner
mask = 0x30;
// one or both of [X], [O]
if ( (h-y) > (w-x) * 0.8) b |= 0x10;
if ( (w-x) > (h-y) * 0.8) b |= 0x20;
pico8_buttons[0] |= b;
// p8_update_layout_hash is used to decide when to update layout (expensive especially when part of a heavy page)
var p8_update_layout_hash = -1;
var last_windowed_container_height = 512;
var p8_layout_frames = 0;
function p8_update_layout()
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var p8_playarea = document.getElementById("p8_playarea");
var p8_container = document.getElementById("p8_container");
var p8_frame = document.getElementById("p8_frame");
var csize = 512;
var margin_top = 0;
var margin_left = 0;
// page didn't load yet? first call should be after p8_frame is created so that layout doesn't jump around.
if (!canvas || !p8_playarea || !p8_container || !p8_frame)
p8_update_layout_hash = -1;
p8_layout_frames ++;
// assumes frame doesn't have padding
var is_fullscreen=(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement);
var frame_width = p8_frame.offsetWidth;
var frame_height = p8_frame.offsetHeight;
if (is_fullscreen)
// same as window
frame_width = window.innerWidth;
frame_height = window.innerHeight;
// never larger than window // (happens when address bar is down in portraight mode on phone)
frame_width = Math.min(frame_width, window.innerWidth);
frame_height = Math.min(frame_height, window.innerHeight);
// as big as will fit in a frame..
csize = Math.min(frame_width,frame_height);
// .. but never more than 2/3 of longest side for touch (e.g. leave space for controls on iPad)
if (p8_touch_detected && p8_is_running)
var longest_side = Math.max(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight);
csize = Math.min(csize, longest_side * 2/3);
// pixel perfect: quantize to closest multiple of 128
// only when large display (desktop)
if (frame_width >= 512 && frame_height >= 512)
csize = (csize+1) & ~0x7f;
// csize should never be higher than parent frame
// (otherwise stretched large when fullscreen and then return)
if (!is_fullscreen && p8_frame)
csize = Math.min(csize, last_windowed_container_height); // p8_frame_0 parent
if (is_fullscreen)
// always center horizontally
margin_left = (frame_width - csize)/2;
if (p8_touch_detected)
if (window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight)
// portrait: keep at y=40 (avoid rounded top corners / camera nub thing etc.)
margin_top = Math.min(40, frame_height - csize);
// landscape: put a little above vertical center
margin_top = (frame_height - csize)/4;
// non-touch: center vertically
margin_top = (frame_height - csize)/2;
// skip if relevant state has not changed
var update_hash = csize + margin_top * 1000.3 + margin_left * 0.001 + frame_width * 333.33 + frame_height * 772.15134;
if (is_fullscreen) update_hash += 0.1237;
// unexpected things can happen in the first few seconds, so just keep re-calculating layout. wasm version breaks layout otherwise.
// also: bonus refresh at 5, 8 seconds just in case ._.
if (p8_layout_frames < 180 || p8_layout_frames == 60*5 || p8_layout_frames == 60*8 )
update_hash = p8_layout_frames;
if (!is_fullscreen) // fullscreen: update every frame for safety. should be cheap!
if (!p8_touch_detected) // mobile: update every frame because nothing can be trusted
if (p8_update_layout_hash == update_hash)
//console.log("p8_update_layout(): skipping");
p8_update_layout_hash = update_hash;
// record this for returning to original size after fullscreen pushes out container height (argh)
if (!is_fullscreen && p8_frame)
last_windowed_container_height = p8_frame.parentNode.parentNode.offsetHeight;
// mobile in portrait mode: put screen at top (w / a little extra space for fullscreen button if needed)
// (don't cart too about buttons overlapping screen)
if (p8_touch_detected && p8_is_running && document.body.clientWidth < document.body.clientHeight)
p8_playarea.style.marginTop = p8_allow_mobile_menu ? 32 : 8;
else if (p8_touch_detected && p8_is_running) // landscape: slightly above vertical center (only relevant for iPad / highres devices)
p8_playarea.style.marginTop = (document.body.clientHeight - csize) / 4;
p8_playarea.style.marginTop = "";
canvas.style.width = csize;
canvas.style.height = csize;
// to do: this should just happen from css layout
canvas.style.marginLeft = margin_left;
canvas.style.marginTop = margin_top;
p8_container.style.width = csize;
p8_container.style.height = csize;
// set menu buttons position to bottom right
el = document.getElementById("p8_menu_buttons");
el.style.marginTop = csize - el.offsetHeight;
if (p8_touch_detected && p8_is_running)
// turn off pointer events to prevent double-tap zoom etc (works on Android)
// don't want this for desktop because breaks mouse input & click-to-focus when using codo_textarea
canvas.style.pointerEvents = "none";
p8_container.style.marginTop = "0px";
// buttons
// same as touch event handling
var w = window.innerWidth;
var h = window.innerHeight;
var r = Math.min(w,h) / 12;
if (r > 40) r = 40;
el = document.getElementById("controls_right_panel");
el.style.left = w-r*6;
el.style.top = h-r*7;
el.style.width = r*6;
el.style.height = r*7;
if (el.getAttribute("src") != p8_gfx_dat["controls_right_panel"]) // optimisation: avoid reload? (browser should handle though)
el.setAttribute("src", p8_gfx_dat["controls_right_panel"]);
el = document.getElementById("controls_left_panel");
el.style.left = 0;
el.style.top = h-r*6;
el.style.width = r*6;
el.style.height = r*6;
if (el.getAttribute("src") != p8_gfx_dat["controls_left_panel"]) // optimisation: avoid reload? (browser should handle though)
el.setAttribute("src", p8_gfx_dat["controls_left_panel"]);
// scroll to cart (commented; was a failed attempt to prevent scroll-on-drag on some browsers)
// p8_frame.scrollIntoView(true);
if (!p8_is_running)
el = document.getElementById("p8_start_button");
if (el) el.style.display="flex";
var p8_touch_detected = false;
addEventListener("touchstart", function(event)
p8_touch_detected = true;
// hide codo_textarea -- clipboard support on mobile is not feasible
el = document.getElementById("codo_textarea");
if (el && el.style.display != "none"){
}, {passive: true});
function p8_create_audio_context()
if (pico8_audio_context)
try {
catch(err) {
console.log("** pico8_audio_context.resume() failed");
var webAudioAPI = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext || window.oAudioContext || window.msAudioContext;
if (webAudioAPI)
pico8_audio_context = new webAudioAPI;
// wake up iOS
if (pico8_audio_context)
try {
var dummy_source_sfx = pico8_audio_context.createBufferSource();
dummy_source_sfx.buffer = pico8_audio_context.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050); // dummy
dummy_source_sfx.start(1, 0.25); // gives InvalidStateError -- why? hasn't been played before
//dummy_source_sfx.noteOn(0); // deleteme
catch(err) {
console.log("** dummy_source_sfx.start(1, 0.25) failed");
function p8_close_cart()
// just reload page! used for touch buttons -- hard to roll back state
window.location.hash = ""; // triggers reload
var p8_is_running = false;
var p8_script = null;
var Module = null;
function p8_run_cart()
if (p8_is_running) return;
p8_is_running = true;
// touch: hide everything except p8_frame_0
if (p8_touch_detected)
el = document.getElementById("body_0");
el2 = document.getElementById("p8_frame_0");
if (el && el2)
// create audio context and wake it up (for iOS -- needs happen inside touch event)
// show touch elements
els = document.getElementsByClassName('p8_controller_area');
for (i = 0; i < els.length; i++)
// install touch events. These also serve to block scrolling / pinching / zooming on phones when p8_is_running
// moved event.preventDefault(); calls into pico8_buttons_event() (want to let top buttons pass through)
addEventListener("touchstart", function(event){ pico8_buttons_event(event, 0); }, {passive: false});
addEventListener("touchmove", function(event){ pico8_buttons_event(event, 1); }, {passive: false});
addEventListener("touchend", function(event){ pico8_buttons_event(event, 2); }, {passive: false});
// load and run script
e = document.createElement("script");
p8_script = e;
e.onload = function(){
// show canvas / menu buttons only after loading
el = document.getElementById("p8_playarea");
if (el) el.style.display="table";
if (typeof(p8_update_layout_hash) !== 'undefined')
p8_update_layout_hash = -77;
if (typeof(p8_buttons_hash) !== 'undefined')
p8_buttons_hash = -33;
e.type = "application/javascript";
e.src = "sample.js";
e.id = "e_script";
document.body.appendChild(e); // load and run
// hide start button and show canvas / menu buttons. hide start button
el = document.getElementById("p8_start_button");
if (el) el.style.display="none";
// add #playing for touchscreen devices (allows back button to close)
// X button can also be used to trigger this
if (p8_touch_detected)
window.location.hash = "#playing";
window.onhashchange = function()
if (window.location.hash.search("playing") < 0)
// install drag&drop listeners
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
if (canvas)
canvas.addEventListener('dragenter', dragover, false);
canvas.addEventListener('dragover', dragover, false);
canvas.addEventListener('dragleave', dragstop, false);
canvas.addEventListener('drop', nop, false);
canvas.addEventListener('drop', p8_drop_file, false);
// Gamepad code
var P8_BUTTON_O = {action:'button', code: 0x10};
var P8_BUTTON_X = {action:'button', code: 0x20};
var P8_DPAD_LEFT = {action:'button', code: 0x1};
var P8_DPAD_RIGHT = {action:'button', code: 0x2};
var P8_DPAD_UP = {action:'button', code: 0x4};
var P8_DPAD_DOWN = {action:'button', code: 0x8};
var P8_MENU = {action:'menu'};
var P8_NO_ACTION = {action:'none'};
// ref: https://w3c.github.io/gamepad/#remapping
P8_BUTTON_O, // Bottom face button
P8_BUTTON_X, // Right face button
P8_BUTTON_X, // Left face button
P8_BUTTON_O, // Top face button
P8_NO_ACTION, // Near left shoulder button (L1)
P8_NO_ACTION, // Near right shoulder button (R1)
P8_NO_ACTION, // Far left shoulder button (L2)
P8_NO_ACTION, // Far right shoulder button (R2)
P8_MENU, // Left auxiliary button (select)
P8_MENU, // Right auxiliary button (start)
P8_NO_ACTION, // Left stick button
P8_NO_ACTION, // Right stick button
P8_DPAD_UP, // Dpad up
P8_DPAD_DOWN, // Dpad down
P8_DPAD_LEFT, // Dpad left
P8_DPAD_RIGHT, // Dpad right
// Track which player is controller by each gamepad. Gamepad index i controls the
// player with index pico8_gamepads_mapping[i]. Gamepads with null player are
// currently unassigned - they get assigned to a player when a button is pressed.
var pico8_gamepads_mapping = [];
function p8_unassign_gamepad(gamepad_index) {
if (pico8_gamepads_mapping[gamepad_index] == null) {
pico8_buttons[pico8_gamepads_mapping[gamepad_index]] = 0;
pico8_gamepads_mapping[gamepad_index] = null;
function p8_first_player_without_gamepad(max_players) {
var allocated_players = pico8_gamepads_mapping.filter(function(x) { return x != null; });
var sorted_players = Array.from(allocated_players).sort();
for (var desired = 0; desired < sorted_players.length && desired < max_players; ++desired) {
if (desired != sorted_players[desired]) {
return desired;
if (sorted_players.length < max_players) {
return sorted_players.length;
return null;
function p8_assign_gamepad_to_player(gamepad_index, player_index) {
pico8_gamepads_mapping[gamepad_index] = player_index;
function p8_convert_standard_gamepad_to_button_state(gamepad, axis_threshold, button_threshold) {
// Given a gamepad object, return:
// {
// button_state: the binary encoded Pico 8 button state
// menu_button: true if any menu-mapped button was pressed
// any_button: true if any button was pressed, including d-pad
// buttons and unmapped buttons
// }
if (!gamepad || !gamepad.axes || !gamepad.buttons) {
return {
button_state: 0,
menu_button: false,
any_button: false
function button_state_from_axis(axis, low_state, high_state, default_state) {
if (axis && axis < -axis_threshold) return low_state;
if (axis && axis > axis_threshold) return high_state;
return default_state;
var axes_actions = [
button_state_from_axis(gamepad.axes[0], P8_DPAD_LEFT, P8_DPAD_RIGHT, P8_NO_ACTION),
button_state_from_axis(gamepad.axes[1], P8_DPAD_UP, P8_DPAD_DOWN, P8_NO_ACTION),
var button_actions = gamepad.buttons.map(function (button, index) {
var pressed = button.value > button_threshold || button.pressed;
if (!pressed) return P8_NO_ACTION;
return P8_BUTTON_MAPPING[index] || P8_NO_ACTION;
var all_actions = axes_actions.concat(button_actions);
var menu_button = button_actions.some(function (action) { return action.action == 'menu'; });
var button_state = (all_actions
.filter(function (a) { return a.action == 'button'; })
.map(function (a) { return a.code; })
.reduce(function (result, code) { return result | code; }, 0)
var any_button = gamepad.buttons.some(function (button) {
return button.value > button_threshold || button.pressed;
any_button |= button_state; //jww: include axes 0,1 as might be first intended action
return {
// jww: pico-8 0.2.1 version for unmapped gamepads, following p8_convert_standard_gamepad_to_button_state
// axes 0,1 & buttons 0,1,2,3 are reasonably safe. don't try to read dpad.
// menu buttons are unpredictable, but use 6..8 anyway (better to have a weird menu button than none)
function p8_convert_unmapped_gamepad_to_button_state(gamepad, axis_threshold, button_threshold) {
if (!gamepad || !gamepad.axes || !gamepad.buttons) {
return {
button_state: 0,
menu_button: false,
any_button: false
var button_state = 0;
if (gamepad.axes[0] && gamepad.axes[0] < -axis_threshold) button_state |= 0x1;
if (gamepad.axes[0] && gamepad.axes[0] > axis_threshold) button_state |= 0x2;
if (gamepad.axes[1] && gamepad.axes[1] < -axis_threshold) button_state |= 0x4;
if (gamepad.axes[1] && gamepad.axes[1] > axis_threshold) button_state |= 0x8;
// buttons: first 4 taken to be O/X, 6..8 taken to be menu button
for (j = 0; j < gamepad.buttons.length; j++)
if (gamepad.buttons[j].value > 0 || gamepad.buttons[j].pressed)
if (j < 4)
button_state |= (0x10 << (((j+1)/2)&1)); // 0 1 1 0 -- A,X -> O,X on xbox360
else if (j >= 6 && j <= 8)
button_state |= 0x40;
var menu_button = button_state & 0x40;
var any_button = gamepad.buttons.some(function (button) {
return button.value > button_threshold || button.pressed;
any_button |= button_state; //jww: include axes 0,1 as might be first intended action
return {
// gamepad https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API/Using_the_Gamepad_API
// (sets bits in pico8_buttons[])
function p8_update_gamepads() {
var axis_threshold = 0.3;
var button_threshold = 0.5; // Should be unnecessary, we should be able to trust .pressed
var max_players = 8;
var gps = navigator.getGamepads() || navigator.webkitGetGamepads();
if (!gps) return;
// In Chrome, gps is iterable but it's not an array.
gps = Array.from(gps);
pico8_gamepads.count = gps.length;
while (gps.length > pico8_gamepads_mapping.length) {
var menu_button = false;
var gamepad_states = gps.map(function (gp) {
return (gp && gp.mapping == "standard") ?
p8_convert_standard_gamepad_to_button_state(gp, axis_threshold, button_threshold) :
p8_convert_unmapped_gamepad_to_button_state(gp, axis_threshold, button_threshold);
// Unassign disconnected gamepads.
// gps.forEach(function (gp, i) { if (gp && !gp.connected) { p8_unassign_gamepad(i); }});
gps.forEach(function (gp, i) { if (!gp || !gp.connected) { p8_unassign_gamepad(i); }}); // https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=87132#p
// Assign unassigned gamepads when any button is pressed.
gamepad_states.forEach(function (state, i) {
if (state.any_button && pico8_gamepads_mapping[i] == null) {
var first_free_player = p8_first_player_without_gamepad(max_players);
p8_assign_gamepad_to_player(i, first_free_player);
// Update pico8_buttons array.
gamepad_states.forEach(function (gamepad_state, i) {
if (pico8_gamepads_mapping[i] != null) {
pico8_buttons[pico8_gamepads_mapping[i]] = gamepad_state.button_state;
// Update menu button.
// Pico 8 only recognises the menu button on the first player, so we
// press it when any gamepad has pressed a button mapped to menu.
if (gamepad_states.some(function (state) { return state.menu_button; })) {
pico8_buttons[0] |= 0x40;
// End of gamepad code
// key blocker. prevent browser operations while playing cart so that PICO-8 can use those keys e.g. cursors to scroll, ctrl-r to reload
function (event) {
event = event || window.event;
if (!p8_is_running) return;
if (pico8_state.has_focus == 1)
if ([32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 77, 82, 80, 9].indexOf(event.keyCode) > -1) // block only cursors, M R P, tab
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
},{passive: false});
// when using codo_textarea to determine focus, need to explicitly hand focus back when clicking a p8_menu_button
function p8_give_focus()
el = (typeof codo_textarea === 'undefined') ? document.getElementById("codo_textarea") : codo_textarea;
if (el)
function p8_request_fullscreen() {
var is_fullscreen=(document.fullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement);
if (is_fullscreen)
if (document.exitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
} else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
} else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
var el = document.getElementById("p8_playarea");
if ( el.requestFullscreen ) {
} else if ( el.mozRequestFullScreen ) {
} else if ( el.webkitRequestFullScreen ) {
el.webkitRequestFullScreen( Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT );
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
@media screen and (min-width:512px) {
width:24px; margin-left:12px; margin-bottom:8px;
image-rendering: optimizeSpeed;
image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;
image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: optimize-contrast;
image-rendering: pixelated;
-ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor;
border: 0px;
cursor: none;
-repeat center;
-webkit-background-size:cover; -moz-background-size:cover; -o-background-size:cover; background-size:cover;
stroke: #ffffff;
stroke: #909090;
<body style="padding:0px; margin:0px; background-color:#222; color:#ccc">
<div id="body_0"> <!-- hide this when playing in mobile (p8_touch_detected) so that elements don't affect layout -->
<!-- Add any content above the cart here -->
<div id="p8_frame_0" style="max-width:800px; max-height:800px; margin:auto;"> <!-- double function: limit size, and display only this div for touch devices -->
<div id="p8_frame" style="display:flex; width:100%; max-width:95vw; height:100vw; max-height:95vh; margin:auto;">
<div id="p8_menu_buttons_touch" style="position:absolute; width:100%; z-index:10; left:0px;">
<div class="p8_menu_button" id="p8b_full" style="float:left;margin-left:10px" onClick="p8_give_focus(); p8_request_fullscreen();"></div>
<div class="p8_menu_button" id="p8b_sound" style="float:left;margin-left:10px" onClick="p8_give_focus(); p8_create_audio_context(); Module.pico8ToggleSound();"></div>
<div class="p8_menu_button" id="p8b_close" style="float:right; margin-right:10px" onClick="p8_close_cart();"></div>
<div id="p8_container"
style="margin:auto; display:table;"
onclick="p8_create_audio_context(); p8_run_cart();">
<div id="p8_start_button" class="p8_start_button" style="width:100%; height:100%; display:flex;">
<img width=80 height=80 style="margin:auto;"
<div id="p8_playarea" style="display:none; margin:auto;
-webkit-user-select:none; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-touch-callout:none;
<div id="touch_controls_background"
style=" pointer-events:none; display:none; background-color:#000;
position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; border:0; width:100vw; height:100vh">
<div style="display:flex; position:relative">
<!-- pointer-events turned off for mobile in p8_update_layout because need for desktop mouse -->
<canvas class="emscripten" id="canvas" oncontextmenu="event.preventDefault();" >
<div class=p8_menu_buttons id="p8_menu_buttons" style="margin-left:10px;">
<div class="p8_menu_button" style="position:absolute; bottom:125px" id="p8b_controls" onClick="p8_give_focus(); Module.pico8ToggleControlMenu();"></div>
<div class="p8_menu_button" style="position:absolute; bottom:90px" id="p8b_pause" onClick="p8_give_focus(); Module.pico8TogglePaused(); p8_update_layout_hash = -22;"></div>
<div class="p8_menu_button" style="position:absolute; bottom:55px" id="p8b_sound" onClick="p8_give_focus(); p8_create_audio_context(); Module.pico8ToggleSound();"></div>
<div class="p8_menu_button" style="position:absolute; bottom:20px" id="p8b_full" onClick="p8_give_focus(); p8_request_fullscreen();"></div>
<!-- display after first layout update -->
<div id="touch_controls_gfx"
style=" pointer-events:none; display:table;
position:fixed; top:0px; left:0px; border:0; width:100vw; height:100vh">
<img src="" id="controls_right_panel" style="position:absolute; opacity:0.5;">
<img src="" id="controls_left_panel" style="position:absolute; opacity:0.5;">
</div> <!-- touch_controls_gfx -->
<!-- used for clipboard access & keyboard input; displayed and used by PICO-8 only once needed. can be safely removed if clipboard / key presses not needed. -->
<!-- (needs to be inside p8_playarea so that it still works under Chrome when fullscreened) -->
<!-- 0.2.5: added "display:none"; pico8.js shows on demand to avoid mac osx accent character selector // https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=47743 -->
<textarea id="codo_textarea" class="emscripten" style="display:none; position:absolute; left:-9999px; height:0px; overflow:hidden"></textarea>
</div> <!--p8_playarea -->
</div> <!-- p8_container -->
</div> <!-- p8_frame -->
</div> <!-- p8_frame_0 size limit -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
Module = {};
Module.canvas = canvas;
// from @ultrabrite's shell: test if an AudioContext can be created outside of an event callback.
// If it can't be created, then require pressing the start button to run the cartridge
if (p8_autoplay)
var temp_context = new AudioContext();
temp_context.onstatechange = function ()
if (temp_context.state=='running')
// pointer lock request needs to be inside a canvas interaction event
// pico8_state.request_pointer_lock is true when 0x5f2d bit 0 and bit 2 are set -- poke(0x5f2d,0x5)
// note on mouse acceleration for future: // https://github.com/w3c/pointerlock/pull/49
canvas.addEventListener("click", function()
if (!p8_touch_detected)
if (pico8_state.request_pointer_lock)
<!-- Add content below the cart here -->
</div> <!-- body_0 -->