55 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File
55 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable File
import * as path from "node:path";
import * as fs from "node:fs/promises";
import { tsImport } from "tsx/esm/api";
const root = process.cwd();
const getAllFiles = async (dir: string) => {
const localEntries = await fs.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
const entries = localEntries.filter((e) => e.isFile()).map((e) => e.name);
for (const entry of localEntries) {
if (
entry.isDirectory() &&
!entry.isSymbolicLink() &&
!entry.name.startsWith(".") &&
entry.name !== "node_modules"
) {
...(await getAllFiles(path.join(dir, entry.name))).map(
(fname) => path.join(entry.name, fname)
return entries;
const getFilesToGenFrom = async () => {
const allFiles = await getAllFiles(root);
return allFiles
.filter((fname) => fname.endsWith(".gen.ts"))
.map((fname) => path.resolve(root, fname));
const filesBeingGenned: Record<string, Promise<void>> = {};
const genFromFile = async (fname: string) => {
console.log("Processing", fname);
const context = {
async import(moduleName: string) {
const fullname = path.resolve(path.dirname(fname), moduleName);
await filesBeingGenned[fullname];
return tsImport(fullname, import.meta.url);
type CodegenContext = typeof context;
const brain: (context: CodegenContext) => string | Promise<string> = (
await tsImport(fname, import.meta.url)
const fileToWrite = fname.replace(/\.gen\.ts?$/, ".out.ts");
await fs.writeFile(fileToWrite, await brain(context));
for (const file of await getFilesToGenFrom()) {
filesBeingGenned[file] = genFromFile(file);